# Common Interface List
The Common Interface List includes a list of all of the common interfaces that are in use in the Mojaloop 2.0 Reference Architecture presently. Common Interfaces are used by several Bounded Contexts, hence the name.
Each Common Interface listed includes the following information: source or publisher event name or endpoint, communications style, publisher/provider Bounded Context, a description of the interface function, and a checklist of Bounded Contexts where it is being used.
# Common Interfaces
Event name OR endpoint | Comms Style | Publisher/Provider BC | Description | FSP Interop API BC | Admin/Operation API BC | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Transfers BC | Accounts & Balances BC | Settlements BC | Account Lookup BC | Agreements / Quotes BC | 3rd Party Initiated Payments | Notifications & Alerts BC | Scheduling BC | Auding BC | Security - authZ BC | Security - authN BC | Security - auditing BC | Security - loging BC | Security - crypto BC | |
TransferCommittedFulfiled | Event | Transfers BC | Transfer Committed event indicating the final outcome of the Transfer Commited stage of a transfer has been processed by the Transfers BC | x | x | ||||||||||||||||
LiquidityThresholdExceeded | gRPC | Transfers BC | An event thrown when a given participant’s liquidity threshold is exceeded and a action should be taken | X | |||||||||||||||||
TransferPrepared | Event | Transfers BC | Transfer Prepared event indicating the final outcome of the Transfer Prepare stage of a transfer has been processed by the Transfers BC | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferQueryResponse | Event | Transfers BC | Event containing response as a result of a TransferQueryReceived event | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferRejectRequestProcessed | Event | Transfers BC | Event confirming that a Transfer Reject request was processed by the Transfers BC | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferPrepareRequestTimedout | Event | Transfers BC | Event for a Transfer Timeout when a transfer was still being prepared. | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferFulfilComitRequestTimedout | Event | Transfers BC | Event for a Transfer Timeout when a transfer was in a final prepared state (i.e. waiting for a fulfilment, or rejection to be reveived). | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferPrepareDuplicateCheckFailed | Event | Transfers BC | Event representing a failed duplicate check validation failure as a result of processing a TransferPrepareAccountAllocated event. | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferPrepareLiquidityCheckFailed | Event | Transfers BC | Event representing a failed liquidity check validation failure as a result of processing a TransferPrepareAccountAllocated event. | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferPrepareInvalidPayerCheckFailed | Event | Transfers BC | Event representing a failed Payer Participant check validation failure as a result of processing a TransferPrepareAccountAllocated event. | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferPrepareInvalidPayeeCheckFailed | Event | Transfers BC | Event representing a failed Payee Participant check validation failure as a result of processing a TransferPrepareAccountAllocated event. | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferPrepareAccountsAllocated | Event | Settlements BC | Transfer Prepare request event with enriched information containing the applicable accounts for liquidity validation/allocation for each participant | x | |||||||||||||||||
/random-number-gen | Event | Security BC - crypto | random number generator. Can be used to generate (1) id (2) secret and (3) FIDO challenge | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
/hash-gen | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | Hash generation. Can be used to hash random numbers and user info. Hash is used for basic authentication and signature verification. | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
/signature-gen | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | generate signature. used to sign audit records for immutability. | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
/signature-ver | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | verify siganture. used for FIDO authentication and authorization. This is also used to validate audit record on retrieval. | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||
/encrypt | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | generic encryption | x | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
/decrypt | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | generic decryption | x | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
/pin-translation | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | translate banking PIN block from one encryption zone to another. Can be used for Interbank ATM or POS transaction. | x | |||||||||||||||||
/fido-register | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | Composite Crypto function. stores authenticator ECC public key alongside user infor. | x | x | ||||||||||||||||
/fido-authenticate | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | authenticate FIDO signature | x | x | ||||||||||||||||
/fido-authorize | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | authorize FIDO transaction after gesture (pressed button, finger print, etc) | x | x | ||||||||||||||||
/kms-key-definition | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | cryptographic key definition (key usage, duration, label) | x | |||||||||||||||||
/kms-aes-key-gen | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | Cryptographic key generation for symetric encryption | x | |||||||||||||||||
/kms-ecc-key-gen | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | Cryptogrphic key generation for Eliptic Curve key pair generation. | x | |||||||||||||||||
/crypto-adapter-set | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | Cryptographic Provider/adapter set (AWS, AZURE, on-prem HSM, software local libraries … etc) | x | |||||||||||||||||
/iam-token-verifty | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | basic authentication token verification. Composite call to AIM adapter. | x | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
/kms-pem-gen | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | PKI keys for client authention and CLI functions. | x | x | x | |||||||||||||||
/ssl-terminate | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | SLL termination | x | |||||||||||||||||
/kms-load-key | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - crypto | load cryptographic keys in key store | x | |||||||||||||||||
/app-authorize | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - authZ | Calls AuthZ BC to verify the authorization token. This also calls IAM function to verify roles. | x | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
/app-fido-authorize | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - authZ | Calls Cyrpto BC to authorize transaction | x | x | x | |||||||||||||||
/app-pem-auth | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - authZ | Uses PKI private and public key to authenticate APIs calls. uses the user IAM profile (user info + role) to auhorize. | x | x | ||||||||||||||||
/app-basic-auth | HTTP/Rest | Security BC - authN | Calls AuthZ BC to verify id and secret. Returns authorization token | x | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
CreateScheduleReminder | gRPC | Scheduling BC | Create a schedule reminder with the necessary information to create a event or api callback once the reminder has elapsed | x | |||||||||||||||||
DeleteScheduleReminder | gRPC | Scheduling BC | Event indicating that a timeout has occured for a scheduled reminder | x | |||||||||||||||||
POST /config/schemas/ | HTTP/Rest | Platform Configuration | (upsert) To publish the initial or new versions of a BC configuration managment object schema at bootstrap - includes version number | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | |
GET /config/schemas/ | HTTP/Rest | Platform Configuration | To get schema and current configurations of a all bounded contexts | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | |
GET /config/schemas/:boundedContextId | HTTP/Rest | Platform Configuration | To get schema and current configurations of a specifric bounded context | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | |
ConfigurationValuesChanged | Event | Platform Configuration | Event sent when changes happend on a configuration - should include at least the bounded context ID, maybe the key names with changed values | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | |
POST /config/schemas/:boundedContextId | HTTP/Rest | Platform Configuration | To publish the initial or new versions of a BC configuration managment object schema at bootstrap - includes version number | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | |
POST /config/secrets/ | HTTP/Rest | Platform Configuration | (upsert) To publish the list of expected secrets (keys) a bounded context requires to operate - send at bootstrap - includes version number | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | |
GET /config/secrets/ | HTTP/Rest | Platform Configuration | To a list of secret keys each BC needs to operate - from all bounded contexts | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | |
GET /config/secrets/:boundedContextId | HTTP/Rest | Platform Configuration | To a list of secret keys each BC needs to operate - from a specifric bounded context | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | |
GET /config/secrets/:boundedContextId/values | HTTP/Rest | Platform Configuration | This call can only be performed by the owner bouded context (verify sig) and should return the secrets along with the keys for that bounded context | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | |
SecretsValuesChanged | Event | Platform Configuration | Event sent when changes happend on a secret - should include at least the bounded context ID, maybe the key names with changed secrets | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | |
UpdateParticipantAccountThreshold | gRPC | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Updates the thresholds of the accounts specified | X | |||||||||||||||||
GetParticipantsTransfersData | gRPC | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Query Service to attain Participant information for Transfer purposes (i.e. validations, etc) | x | |||||||||||||||||
GetParticipantCallbackInfo | gRPC | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | API to query Participant information for Callbacks. Example of the FSPIOP Interop APIs BC using this to query the necessary information required for it to produce a NotifyRequested event. | x | |||||||||||||||||
GetParticipantQuoteData | gRPC | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Query Service to attain Participant information for Quote purposes (i.e. validations, etc) | x | |||||||||||||||||
CreateParticipant | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Request to create a new participant with a single payload defining ALL the relevant details of the Participant | X | |||||||||||||||||
GetPendingParticipants | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Retrieves all the participants that are in the PEND-APPROVAL state, i.e. Participants that have not yet been approved or rejected | X | |||||||||||||||||
ApproveParticipant | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Approve OR Reject - Participant that is in a state of pending approval | X | |||||||||||||||||
CreateParticipantAccountsWithLimits | gRPC | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Notify that the participant has been created and subsequint accounts with limits be created aswell | X | |||||||||||||||||
ParticipantCreated | Event | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Notifies that the participant has been created, accounts and limis included. | X | |||||||||||||||||
ManageFunds | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Call to either Withdraw or Deposit funds. | X | |||||||||||||||||
GetPendingManageFunds | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Request all manage funds requests that have to be approved | X | |||||||||||||||||
ApproveManageFunds | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Approve OR Reject - Deposit or withdraw request | X | |||||||||||||||||
ManageFundsCreditDebitPairInstruction | gRPC | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Update the accounting with the relevant credit and debit entries. | X | |||||||||||||||||
ReserveLiquidityCover | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Request to reserve an amount of liquidity cover either a value or a % | X | |||||||||||||||||
GetPendingLiquidityCoverReservations | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Get LiquidityCover requests that are currently awaiting approval | X | |||||||||||||||||
ApproveLiquidityCoverReservation | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Approve OR Reject - Liquidity Cover Reservation | X | |||||||||||||||||
UpdateParticipantState | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Request to change the current state of a given participant | X | |||||||||||||||||
GetPendingStateUpdates | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Gets all partacipants with status change requests that are pending approval | X | |||||||||||||||||
ApproveParticipantStateUpdate | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Approve OR Reject - Participant state change | X | |||||||||||||||||
ParticipantStateUpdated | gRPC | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Notify BC’s that the state of a participant has changed | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||||||||
ParticipantLiquidityThresholdExceeded | Event | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | A notification should be sent that a given participant’s liquidity threshold is exceeded. | X | |||||||||||||||||
AddParticipantAccount | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Request to create a new account for a given participant | X | |||||||||||||||||
GetPendingParticipantsAccounts | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Gets all participants and accounts that require approval to be created | X | |||||||||||||||||
ApproveParticipantAccount | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Approve OR Reject - Participant account create request | X | |||||||||||||||||
CreateParticipantAccountWithLimits | gRPC | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Creates the relevant accounts within the Accounts and Balances BC | X | |||||||||||||||||
ParticipantAccountAdded | Event | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Event to notify that the participant account has been created | X | |||||||||||||||||
UpdateAccountStatus | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Request to either enable or disable the participant’s account based on the information passed | X | |||||||||||||||||
GetPendingAccountsWithStatusUpdates | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Get all accounts that are pending approval for a status change | X | |||||||||||||||||
ApproveAccountStatusUpdate | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Approve OR Reject - Participant account status change | X | |||||||||||||||||
Enabled/DisabledParticipantAccount | gRPC | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Either enables or disables the account based on the information passed | X | |||||||||||||||||
ParticipantAccountEnabled | Event | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Notify that a participant’s account has been enabled | X | |||||||||||||||||
ParticipantAccountDisabled | Event | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Notify that a participant’s account has been disabled | X | |||||||||||||||||
UpdateAccountLimit | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Request to update the limits on a given participant’s account | X | |||||||||||||||||
GetPendingAccountsWithLimitUpdates | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Get all accounts with pending updates to the limits | X | |||||||||||||||||
ApproveAccountLimitUpdate | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Approve OR Reject - Update account limit request | X | |||||||||||||||||
UpdateParticipantAccountLimit | gRPC | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Update the limits on a given participant’s account | X | |||||||||||||||||
ParticipantAccountLimitUpdated | Event | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Event to notify that the participant account’s limit has been created | X | |||||||||||||||||
UpdateAccountThreshold | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Request to update the threshold for a given participant account | X | |||||||||||||||||
GetPendingAccountsWithThresholdUpdates | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Get all the accounts with pending threshold updates | X | |||||||||||||||||
ApproveAccountThresholdUpdate | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Approve OR Reject - Participant account threshold update | X | |||||||||||||||||
ParticipantAccountThresholdUpdated | Event | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Event to notify that the accounts’ threshold was updated | X | |||||||||||||||||
UpdateEndpoints | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Request to update the endpoints of a given participant | X | |||||||||||||||||
GetPendingEndpointUpdates | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Gets all the participant endpoint update requests that are pending approval | X | |||||||||||||||||
ApproveEndpointsUpdate | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Approve OR Reject - Participant Endupoint Update | X | |||||||||||||||||
ParticipantEndpointsUpdated | Event | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | An event to notify that the Participant’s endpoint have been updated | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||||||||
GetParticipantInfo | gRPC | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Gets all information regarding to a given Participant | X | X | X | X | ||||||||||||||
GetParticipantInfo | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Gets all information regarding to a given Participant | X | |||||||||||||||||
GetLiquidityCoverCurrentState | HTTP/Rest | Participant Lifecycle Management BC | Request to get the current state of liquidity cover | X | |||||||||||||||||
NotifyReport | Event | Notifications & Alerts BC | Notification Report event containing a report of the notification, indicating if it was successful (with an applicable response from the destination) or failed with an applicable error/reason | x | |||||||||||||||||
/log-read-build-log | HTTP/Rest | Logging BC | log consumer. provides endpoint for applications write log topic. Building logs | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |
/read-log | HTTP/Rest | Logging BC | read logs. Optionally calls Crypto BC to decrypt and or verify siganture | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |
NotifyRequested | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Notification Request event containing the FSPIOP forwarding request or callback that will be send to a specific participant | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferPrepareRequested | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Transfer Prepare request event | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferPrepareCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Transfer Prepare Callback report for the Payee participant | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferFulfilCommittedRequested | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Transfer Fulfilment request event indicating that a “commit” was processed by the Payee participant | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferFulfilCommittedCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Transfer Fulfil Callback report for the Payer/Payee participant | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferQueryReceived | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event indicating containing information for a Transfer Query | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferQueryResponseCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing callback response report for a Transfer Query Response callback a Participant participant | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferRejectRequested | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event for a Transfer Reject from a Payee participant | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferRejectRequestProcessedCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing callback response report for a Transfer Reject Response callback to a Payer participant | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferPrepareRequestTimedoutCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing callback response report for a Transfer Timeout Response callback to a Payer participant | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferFulfilCommitRequestTimedoutCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing callback response report for a Transfer Timeout Response callback to a Payer/Payee participants | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferPrepareDuplicateCheckFailedCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing callback response report for a Transfer Prepare Duplicate Check Failed Response callback to a Payer/Payee participants | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferPrepareLiquidityCheckFailedCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing callback response report for a Transfer Prepare Liquidity Check Failed Response callback to a Payer/Payee participants | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferPrepareInvalidPayerCheckFailedCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing callback response report for a Transfer Payer Participant Check Failed Response callback to a Payer/Payee participants | x | |||||||||||||||||
TransferPrepareInvalidPayeeCheckFailedCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing callback response report for a Transfer Payee Participant Check Failed Response callback to a Payer/Payee participants | x | |||||||||||||||||
QuoteRequestReceived | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing a Quote Request from a Payer participant | x | |||||||||||||||||
QuoteReceivedCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing callback response report for a Quote Request to a Payee participants | x | |||||||||||||||||
QuoteResponseReceived | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing a Quote Request Response from a Payee participant | x | |||||||||||||||||
QuoteAcceptedCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing callback response report for a Quote Respose to a Payer participants | x | |||||||||||||||||
InvalidQuoteRequestCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing callback response report for a Invalid Quote Request to a Payer participants | x | |||||||||||||||||
InvalidFSPInQuoteRequestCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing callback response report for a Invalid FSP in Quote Request to a Payer participants | x | |||||||||||||||||
RuleViolatedInQuoteRequestCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing callback response report for a Rule Violated in Quote Request to a Payer participants | x | |||||||||||||||||
RuleViolatedInQuoteResponseCallbackReport | Event | FSP Interop API BC | Event containing callback response report for a Rule Violated in Quote Response to a Payer participants | x | |||||||||||||||||
/app-fido-register | HTTP/Rest | FSP Interop API BC | Calls Cyrpto BC to register user | x | x | x | |||||||||||||||
/audit-log-write | Event | Auditing BC | Writes audit entries into Kafka audit topic. Consumer calls Crypto BC to encrypt and / or sign logging records. | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |
/audit-read-build-audit-log | HTTP/Rest | Auditing BC | audit consumer. provides endpoint for applications write audit topic. Building logs | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |
/read-audit-log | HTTP/Rest | Auditing BC | read audit logs. calls Crypto BC to decrypt and or verify siganture | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |
QuoteRequestAccepted | Event | Agreements/Quotes BC | Event for a Quote Request being processed by the Transfers BC | x | |||||||||||||||||
QuoteResponseAccepted | Event | Agreements/Quotes BC | Event for a Quote Response being processed by the Transfers BC | x | |||||||||||||||||
InvalidQuoteRequest | Event | Agreements/Quotes BC | Event representing a quote validation failure as a result of processing a QuoteReuestReceived event. | x | |||||||||||||||||
InvalidFSPInQuoteRequest | Event | Agreements/Quotes BC | Event representing an invalid FSP in Quote Request failure as a result of processing a QuoteReuestReceived event. | x | |||||||||||||||||
RuleViolatedInQuoteRequest | Event | Agreements/Quotes BC | Event representing an Rule Violated in Quote Request failure as a result of processing a QuoteReuestReceived event. | x | |||||||||||||||||
RuleViolatedInQuoteResponse | Event | Agreements/Quotes BC | Event representing an Rule Violated in Quote Response failure as a result of processing a QuoteReuestReceived event. | x | |||||||||||||||||
/app-register | HTTP/Rest | Admin/Operation API BC | Calls Crypto BC to obtain id and secret | x | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
GetLiquidityCoverHistory | HTTP/Rest | Admin/Operation API BC | Request the account position history | X | |||||||||||||||||
GetReservations | HTTP/Rest | Admin/Operation API BC | Request the reservations | X | |||||||||||||||||
GetCurrentLiquidityPosition | gRPC | Accounts & Balances BC | Get the current liquidity position for validation to update liquidity cover reservastion | X | |||||||||||||||||
RecordLiquidityReservationEntries | gRPC | Accounts & Balances BC | Records the relevant entries for the liquidity cover reservations | X | |||||||||||||||||
RequestAccountsPositions | gRPC | Accounts & Balances BC | Get account positions for a given participant | X | |||||||||||||||||
RequestAccountPositionHistory | gRPC | Accounts & Balances BC | Get accounts position history for a given participant | X | |||||||||||||||||
RequestReservationAccounts | gRPC | Accounts & Balances BC | Request the accounts related to reservations’ | X | |||||||||||||||||
ProcessTransferPrepare | gRPC | Accounts & Balances BC | Process Transfer Prepare request for debiting the Payer liquidity, and crediting the Payer position via reservation of funds | x | |||||||||||||||||
ProcessTransferFulfil | gRPC | Accounts & Balances BC | Process Transfer Fulfil request for debiting the Payer reserved funds, and crediting the Payee liquidity | x | |||||||||||||||||
/log-write | Event | Writes log entries into Kafka logging topic. Consumer optionally calls Crypto BC to encrypt and / or sign logging records. | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |