# Quoting/Agreements BC

The Quoting and Agreements Bounded Context provides Participants with quotations for undertaking transfers, and records the participant accept/reject responses.

# Terms

The following terms are used in this BC, also known as a domain.

Term Description
(D)FSP (Digital) Financial Services Provider
Participant Financial Services Provider

# Functional Overview

Use Case - Functional Overview

# Use Cases

# Calculate Quote - Happy Path

# Description

This process obtains an array of relevant Participant data including status flags, calculates the cost of Transfer including fees, and provides it to the Participant/s. It also able to support the storing of Participants requests & responses (i.e. accept or reject the quote).

# Flow Diagram

Use Case - Calculate Quote - Happy Path

# Get Quote - Happy Path

# Description

Process to obtain and deliver existing Quote details to Participant/s on request.

# Flow Diagram

Use Case - Example REPLACE ME

# Calculate Quote - Invalid Quote Request

# Description

Process that enables the system to invalidate quote requests by monitoring and responding to invalid Request Events, FSPs, or duplicate requests.

# Flow Diagram

Use Case - Calculate Quote - Invalid Quote Request

# Calculate Quote - Invalid FSPs

# Description

Process that enables the system to invalidate FSP quote requests where the FSP details mismatch the original Quote for either one or both Participants.

# Flow Diagram

Use Case - Calculate Quote - Invalid FSPs

# Calculate Quote - Invalid Scheme Rules Detected In Request

# Description

Process to enable the system to invalidate quote requests where Scheme Rules are violated, by one or more Participants, for example where Quote Period Limit reached.

# Flow Diagram

Use Case - Calculate Quote - Invalid Scheme Rules detected in Request

# Calculate Quote - Invalid Scheme Rules Detected In Response

# Desciption

Process to enable the system to invalidate quote reponses where Scheme Rules are violated by one or more Participants, for example, where invalid terms are detected.

# Flow Diagram

Use Case - Calculate Quote - Invalid Scheme Rules detected in response

# Canonical Quote Model

The canonical model stores the following details of quotations in the Quotes & Agreements BC:

  • Quote ID
  • Transaction ID
  • Participants
    • payerId
    • payeeId
  • Payer
    • Participant
      • participantId
      • roleType (e.g. payer)
    • Amount Requested (initial amount)
      • Value (number)
      • Currency (ISO currency code)
    • Amount to send (including fees, etc.)
      • Value (number)
      • Currency (ISO currency code)
  • Payee(s) (one or more - should all be added to the “Amount to send”)
    • ‘#’
      • Participant
        • participantId
        • roleType (Identify why this “payee” is receiving this amount, i.e.: fee, recipient, etc.)
        • reason
        • Amount to receive
          • value (number)
          • currency (ISO currency code)
  • Extensions

# Concluding comments

  • No red flag issues have been observed in the overall BC and Reference Architecture design.
  • We need to better understand/clarify the “GET” via “POST” pattern:
    • Should a “GET” event be a simple Restful “GET”, or does the system need to support the “GET” from duplicate posts?
    • Are we required to serve “GET” requests that include FSP details at a later date?
Last Updated: 1/31/2022, 12:22:50 PM