Deployment Tools
Deployment Instructions
1. Deploy a Kubernetes cluster(microk8s/minikube/k8s)
2. Clone the repo in your local
3. Deploy the thirdparty charts one by one
cd vn-helm
helm install longhorn thirdparty/longhorn -n longhorn-system --create-namespace
helm install elasticsearch thirdparty/elasticsearch -n monitoring --create-namespace
helm install console thirdparty/console -n mojaloop --create-namespace
helm install kafka thirdparty/kafka -n mojaloop
helm install mongodb thirdparty/mongodb -n mojaloop
helm install mongoexpress thirdparty/mongoexpress -n mojaloop
helm install redis thirdparty/redis -n mojaloop
4. Deploy the vnext charts
helm dep up vnext/
helm install vnext vnext/ -n mojaloop
helm repo add vnext-helm https://mojaloop.github.io/vn-helm/
helm search repo vn-helm